Wow! What a year!
Firstly I want to say a huge thank you to each and every client who has stepped into the House of Solus design studio in 2019. As a small business owner your custom is invaluable.
When I started the business four years ago I used to dream of clients wanting to work with me; for House of Solus to make their bespoke piece of jewellery. In the early days of business it's the dreams that gets you through the quiet and lonely times. I'd imagine looking at my laptop each morning and seeing appointments had been booked via the online booking system. I'd dream of planning my day around clients coming to see me at the design studio that I had poured my blood, sweat and plenty of tears in designing and creating. I wanted a team to work with. A strong, reliable, team who were just as passionate about my business as I was. As I sat at my desk in 2016, all of this seemed so far away. But the key is to never give up. Some days you have to dig deep and that's not just in the early stages of business - that's the reality of having your own company. But 4 years later and the dreams that run around my mind are becoming a reality. I have appointments from customers who want me to design their engagement rings. Clients are returning; booking in to have their wedding rings custom made by my team. Ladies and men who I met at networking events are enquiring about having sentimental heirlooms redesigned. I now have an amazing team who work with me in producing first class bespoke jewellery. And I feel truly humbled by it all.
For those that know the jewellery industry and with with many other industries all over the UK, the future of your profession can be uncertain. Supplier prices can rise and fall, the market can get fiercely competitive and you can go though times of quietness. But if there's one thing I've learnt and perhaps the key factor that's helped keep me focused in times of doubt is to know your company and what it stands for. I try not to get blindsided about what my competitors are doing. I wish them well and I wish them success. Because each piece of jewellery sold, whether it's from House of Solus or another jeweller, all helps our economy and industry. I'm proud to stand amongst some of the finest jewellers that this country has to offer, right here in the Jewellery Quarter.
6 months ago I sat down with the House of Solus team and delivered my plans and aspirations for 2020. Whilst I have ideas bubbling away for next year, my ethos for my company will forever be embedded in everything I deliver. I pride my company on being a bespoke jewellery company that delivers a personal, first class service. A company that works with you, listens and most importantly understands your needs according to your budget. It's because of this that I've had the most amazing feedback from my clients. So from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Your words have stayed with me and I will continue to cherish them into 2020.
Here's to the future. For creating, designing and pushing boundaries.
Gemma x